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What Is True Love To You?

I feel that Love is so much more than just an emotion or act of passion. I believe Love encompasses compassion, empathy, tolerance, acceptance, awareness, support, and positive energy. Love is the random act of kindness from a stranger, a nurturing relationship between people, animals, and nature, and even the lending hand from a friend when in need. Love can conquer all, absolve supposed differences, and bring people and this world together.

Here are some quotes that I keep close by, sometimes read repeatedly, and try to live by because they all radiate true love. Althought I don't particularly identify with a religion, I don't oppose any religion either. As Ziggy Marley sings, "Love is my religion." However, I DO believe in a higher power, whether that be God, Buddha, the Universe, etc. I hope these bring you some sparkle of light into your life...

(exercepts from Marooney, Kimberly. Angel Blessings: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration. Beverly, MA: Fair Winds Press, 2010.)

And this one I read today, which resonated with me to the fullest extent of my heart. This comes from a book that someone very close to me lent me, called Daily Reflections: This Is a Book of Reflections by A.A. Members for A.A. Members. He lent me this book, Just for Today and Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence to help guide me through this dark time. All these books are usually given to Alcoholic Anonymous members, but I believe these messages can reach all people. It's a lifestyle. It's connecting with your True Self, your higher power, living simply, loving generously, free of judgment, guilt, shame, and embarrassment.

(Alcoholics Anonymous. Daily Reflections: A Book of Reflections by A.A. Members for A.A. Members. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous, 1990.)

What is LOVE to you?

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